Thursday, February 5, 2009

The Game Is On

I heard somewhere that blogs tend to die because their authors get stressed about writing the next post. The key is to lower the bar, not raise it, with each successive issue. I'm wholly adopting that approach today.

First, in reaction to a few comments I wanted to bring this up: Many of us out there have already made a decision on job search formally, as your deadline has passed. For others, that decision was made for us, or is still a few weeks off. Everyone's situation is different, and the difference largely dependent on how legal departments feel about risk.

Another observation - it has become painfully obvious to me that Microsoft continues to hire in the wake of its layoffs. Town cars circle campus with recruits, NEO training proceeds in B92, and managers are still talking about the open positions they have (whether a result of the RIF or not). I get this funny feeling that this is all some bizarre game. Who it's being played is anyone's guess.

Regardless, the initial shock and awe must be wearing off, and its clear from the recent poll at left that many are moving on. I'm interested in hearing about experiences, whether you remain to look for work at Microsoft or are thinking crazy thoughts.

I, for one, am struck by how strange it feels when the badge stops working.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I do indeed find it really odd that MSFT continues to hire while laying off 1400 people at the same time. Why don't they re-hire those who've been laid off? It's a great way to retain talent.