Sunday, January 25, 2009

He which hath no stomach to this fight, let him depart...

I am one of you.

And as one of you I have an idea of what you might be thinking: Why did this happen? How do I get even? How can I hope to survive?

Those questions have legitimacy. But this is a forum for those of us who've moved on to that more terrifying question:

What are you here to do?

I’ve not seen the future, but I’ll venture there. Years from now you will be consumed with gladness that you were offered this moment as a gift, as the hinge upon which your life’s balance swung to its true course. Or you will find yourself regretting, not your present circumstances, but how some things prevented you from truly…ahem…realizing your potential.

This is your space, not mine. Whatever role I have in it I accept reluctantly. My invitation to you is to use comments to discuss, dream, and plan for the future.

In closing, I’ve long wondered why we value humility and sacrifice in the arts and yet we see so little of it in our daily lives. If you do not know these words, you should, and hold them dear:

This day is called the feast of Crispian. He that outlives this day, and comes safe home will stand a tip-toe when this day is named, and rouse him at the name of Crispian. He that shall live this day, and see old age, will yearly on the vigil feast his neighbours, and say “Tomorrow is Saint Crispian.” Then will he strip his sleeve and show his scars, and say 'These wounds I had on Crispian's day…'

This story shall the good man teach his son. And Crispin Crispian shall ne’er go by, from this day to the ending of the world, but we in it shall be remembered… We few. We happy few. We band of brothers. For he today that sheds his blood with me shall be my brother. Be he so vile, this day shall gentle his condition.

And gentlemen now-a-bed shall think themselves accursed they were not here and hold their manhoods cheap whiles any speaks that fought with us upon Saint Crispin's day.

- Wm. Shakespeare (adapted), Henry V, Battle of Agincourt.


Unknown said...

I'm not sure if the analogy works 100%, but I like the spirit behind it, and your (linked) Branagh audio clip is the definitive rendition.

I'm not sure that we are all "we happy few" -- at least not yet. I'm starting to feel a little better about it with each passing day, although that might only be because I've stopped worrying about all the crazytown BS that is part of the DNA at Microsoft, and because I haven't started actully looking for a new job yet. Many friends do keep telling me this is an opportunity, a blessing, etc. I hope to be able to look back on this once I do have a new gig lined up, and then I have no doubt it will look like a welcome change, even if it was forced on us.


I have the stomach for the fight, I'll show my scars, and will salute my band of brothers (and sisters). Good luck out there folks.

Leonidas said...

Thanks. These are tough times, and yet hope remains a powerful drug.

My immediate concern is with folks who think they need to sign a severance agreement within 7 days. This is not true - 21 days is the law, and you get more if you are older.

If anyone has lawyer references (perhaps in Spokane or Vancouver), pass them along.

Then, of course, we should all sit tight until news of class actions arise.

Additionally, the distinction between "job search" and none is corp facilities access only. Remember that if you elect job search and you are moonlighting/contracting in any capacity, you might be setting yourself up legal action if you make any kind of success of yourself.

I assure you we are all on a list somewhere. Note the eyes in the sky when you go back to campus to grab your things.

Anonymous said...

"Happy few" indeed. I imagine most of those guys ended up pretty dead.

Anonymous said...

To Leonidas -
First of all, thanks for starting this blog.

Do you have any sort of link as to where we have legally have 21 days to sign the SAR? My packageclearly states it needs to be returned by 1/29 and I a bit concerned about risking 4.5 months of serverance.

Anonymous said...

The agreements are NOT all the same.

Mine definitely says I have until March 8 to sign and return the agreement. Yours may have a different date.

At least in my package, the date is indicated on page 2 of the "cover letter" - it starts, "Dear [firstName], On January 22, 2009, Microsoft announced a reorganization and restructuring of operations resulting in the elimination of a number of positions..."

On page 2, a bulleted list begins:
"In order to receive Severance Plan benefits, you must:"
The next line indicates your deadline (at least it does on mine).

Look at your paperwork, don't rely on what anybody else (including me) says.

Good luck.